What is Live Wellington’s solution?


Wellington needs to adapt and evolve in order to meet the challenges of the future, not just in terms of providing housing, but to address the climate crisis and the many other crises that face us all.  LIVE WELLington proposes a holistic approach grounded in planning, partnerships and participation.  There are six key aspects of our solution

  • Sequencing

start with no regrets options, coordinate investment and adapt our plans as we go.

  • Involvement

start by asking communities "how can you welcome new people, new houses while protecting the liveability and quality of your community"?

Some suburbs in Wellington have been proactive and done this without even being invited. Newtown is a great example. There is potential for this approach to protect people’s sense of community, to protect our democracy and to deliver change in a way that builds on our strengths rather than undermines the coherence of our city.

  • Leadership 

start to deliver changes Wellington needs, by working together; this includes local government, central government agencies, private developers, and communities. We need a plan that works for everyone, and where everyone can see how it works.  The key broker in facilitating this ought to be our city council, with mana whenua alongside.

  • Quality

start to focus on the quality of our built environment through great urban design principles, integrated planning and learning from the best examples of overseas.

start to improve the quality of existing housing by fixing the buildings that need fixing so rental homes are warm, dry homes, and ensuring that new builds are constructed and located so that they are great places to live.

  • Protection 

start to protect what what is already good about Wellington, and ensure we evolve together rather than being mired in conflicts that have been artificially created. Wellington’s liveability, character and heritage can be protected at the same time as new housing is added.

You can find more detail under Resources.