An audience of around 90 people turned up to hear a panel discussion on urban design and density done well, at St Peter’s Church on 5 May 2022, organised by LIVE WELLington and Inner City Wellington.
The panel, featuring Dr Roger Blakeley (chair of Greater Wellington Regional Council’s transport committee), Cr Tamatha Paul (Wellington city’s Pukehinau / Lambton ward, deputy chair of the council’s planning and environment committee), and Dr Paul Blaschke (environment consultant) discussed how the recent Gehl report on Wellington's urban design could drive positive change.
Audience members were invited to leave comments following the discussion.
These reflected some strong views held on heritage, transport and council consultation. A selection of comments is included below.
The session can be viewed here:
Audience comments
- I will keep raising these issues with friends, workmates, acquaintances and providing informed views on the issues because I think it is us all who need to change our thinking, ie we need to not be stuck on the old ways of doing things. Not fair on the future to be stuck!
- Plant trees. Rewild Wellington
- How can we remove car parks and plant more trees / create more green spaces?
- As cars reduce in numbers there will be more underused parking lots. Especially in Te Aro area with so little green. Designate some spaces, the size of a tennis court to become Tiny Forests. The Netherlands has planted more than 100 of them, planted by school children.
- I’d like the council to be honest in its consultation and listen to ideas better than theirs.
- Support for consideration of heritage areas e.g. Newtown residents careful application of increased density with sunlight presumed and retail supported.
- Pay more attention to the streams of Wellington and their potential as the basis of green pathways from hills to harbour, eg as Waimapihi connects from Waimapihi Reserve through to Te Aro -it could ink Glover Park to Te Aro Park.
- Tamatha Paul asked: How can the community lead it. Answer - change the process! Deliberative democracy. She also asked how to avoid disruption during times of great change. Talk to Christchurch! Formal forward planning is the answer.
- Let’s have a council which can do, instead of just commissioning contractors and consultants. Get back the council capability to work with communities.
- Get rid of scooters on walkways. Ban e-bikes from shared walkways. 30 km per hour is unacceptable on footpaths. Insist on bikes using designated cycleways. More disabled parking! Less commercialised parking – MEVO!
- Ensure that the new councillors chosen in the next local body elections have a clear mandate to move Wellie effectively and represent the needs of the communities
- Lobby for more protection of heritage housing areas and intensification at a bigger scale on brown field sites.
- Live Wellington - we are kaitiaki of this place for our tamariki and mokopuna. We need to centre any future vision and plan with them always in mind. What legacy do we want to leave the in a rapidly changing climate?
- I will fight for a more inclusive and affordable city that gives its streets back to its people. Love Te Whanganui a Tara.
- How about WCC providing every apartment building in the inner city (125 apartment buildings and growing) a ‘green koha’ – could be providing each building a parklet or a planter box for their entrance, or play equipment. Empower the residents to help their building and to gain soe ownership of that green koha gift – to give them a sense of pride in their part of the neighbourhood.
- How to minimise the misery caused by the ‘decade of disruption’ in order to get to the better future as a whole group not a divided one.
- Bring back democracy. Free public transport. Listen to communities
- Listen to the People! Consultation MATTERS!